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Lloyd Prudhomme01-Jan-2011 07:22
Happy New Year akleja
Gervan25-Mar-2009 16:16
Hi Akleja,
Miss your updates at Pbase, Hope you're well.
Guest 05-Sep-2008 13:23
Hej! Längesen du uppdaterade nu! Hoppas på lite goa bilder framöver! ;) Ha det bra!! /B
missy_gardenwhimsy26-Dec-2007 09:06
Dear Akleja, I wish you a Happy New Year! I always enjoy visiting your galleries, your photos are wonderful. Best wishes always. Missy
Rosemarie Kusserow15-Sep-2007 04:52
Thanks akleja for your kin d comment on my, it was really a wonderful day, I wish a wonderful weekend to you and yours, Rosemarie :o)
missy_gardenwhimsy22-Aug-2007 19:20
Akleja, dear, thank you so much for your lovely comments on my photos! I am so glad that I met you! We have so much in common, our love for beautiful flowers, bugs and other interesting things. I feel at home when I visit your beautiful and delightful galleries.
Best wishes always. Missy
Rosemarie Kusserow22-Aug-2007 07:28
Thanks a lot dear Akleja for your constantly support and your kind comment and vote on this one:,

I´m glad you like it, best wishes, Rosemarie :o)
rakes13-Aug-2007 14:34
Had a awe-inspiring walk though your galleries.
You have a excellent thought and execution style.
Going through your galleries is like a book, a book that have you hooked.
glimpses by lu20-Jul-2007 18:55
Thank you for you recent visit to my galleries!! Your comments are truly inspiring!! I have visited so many of your galleries and I am filled with awe and inspiration!! You are very talented and have a natural sense of real beauty in all that you capture! Very beautiful!! peace always lu
Rosemarie Kusserow11-Jul-2007 10:55
Thanks dear Akleja for your kind comment on my, I´m glad you liked it, Rosemarie :o)
Emad Omar07-Jul-2007 22:38
HI akeja
Thanks a lot for your visit to my galleries and kind comments, which gave me the chance to view your marvellous work.. Keep in touch and best regards..
Guest 19-Jun-2007 17:45
One world. Stunning.
Michael Buckeridge05-May-2007 16:35
Akleja, it is quite a long time since I visited your galleries and it is wonderful to see that your work has improved so much...will visit again soon at length. Thank you for posting your comments in my is appreciated! Michael.
csmallari24-Apr-2007 10:48
Wow! wow! wow! those spring flowers are just gorgeous !!!! Thank you so much for all the visits, comments and the votes - I appreciate it a lot :)
MASAMI I11-Apr-2007 01:05
Beautiful gallery. Thank you for sharing.
Zaid Kurdi03-Apr-2007 06:56
Hi Akleja,
Wonderful galleries you have,thanks for sharing,wishing for you the best.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 14:46
Guest 07-Mar-2007 04:25
Your photos have opened a new way for me to seeing the world.
Guest 25-Feb-2007 21:42
Hi Akleja,

Thank you for your positive comments. I have been catching up with your recent work and particularly enjoyed looking at your local scenes. Look forward to seeing more during the changing seasons.

Regards John
toxaphene21-Feb-2007 15:49
Sweden is a nice place, I can feel from ur photos!
Gervan17-Jan-2007 17:44
Hi Akleja,
Thanks again for visiting my galleries so frequently and of course for your kind comments.
Jean-Claude Liehn05-Jan-2007 03:51
Yours photographies are very pleasant to look at. Simplicity could be a great quality. (This makes me think about what I do...). Congratulations for your lovable work. Jean-Claude, Reims, France.
Guest 04-Jan-2007 18:54
Thank you for your comments... loved your horses and flowers. Your hometown looks awesome too... I'd like to invite you to see mine, Argentina. I just came back from our trip to the glaciers and I'm adding some pics there.
Ian Dalgliesh02-Jan-2007 22:05
Hi Akleja,Thanks for your comment.Happy New Year.
Guest 02-Jan-2007 00:23
Thanks* Apparently I can't type.
Guest 02-Jan-2007 00:22
Thats for your comments! I really like your floral work. Hope 2007 is a good year for you.
Griangraf27-Dec-2006 01:11
Thanks for the welcome and Happy New Year
Guest 25-Dec-2006 18:09
I admire your photographic interest in nature, such devotion can be truly inspiring. Maybe you will have a chance to take more photos this winter, I will try this in black & white as soon as it snows here. Anyway, I wish you a very enjoyable Christmas! Best wishes.
Ali Majdfar25-Dec-2006 05:01
Hi Akleja,
Thank you so much for your visits and kind comments during 2006. I wish a happy holiday and merry Christmas for you.
Ian Dalgliesh24-Dec-2006 10:12
Hi Akleja,Just browsed your cats gallery.I love cats,and dogs.I have two cats,Holly,jet black and 8 months old,and Oscar,sandy upper,white tummy,he's about 2 1/2 years old.We have a Collie bitch,called Lady and a scruff dog called Snoopy.
Ian Dalgliesh24-Dec-2006 10:06
Hi,Thanks for looking at my work and for the encouraging comment.Happy Christmas.
Guest 23-Dec-2006 17:06
Hi,thanx for comment on my image,just say no accident hapened,so all was ok
Have nice xmas and Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
flowsnow15-Dec-2006 01:20
Thanks for dropping by and for your lovely comment on my picture! It's a pleasure browsing through your galleries. I like your rose gallery for its vibrant colours which makes it so pleasant to view! Keep them coming in.....:D
Gervan06-Dec-2006 14:46
Hi Aklea, I viewed your december images. They show the real december mood like it is also in our country at the moment. It is only a pity that your fungi are not too sharp as you remarked yourself. Why not try a higher ISO-equivalent (maybe 200) and a shorter shutter time and/or use a tripod?
Be sure that this is only meant as a constructive comment.
Gervan17-Nov-2006 21:19
It is great to see that you check out my latest pictures almost dayly.
Thank you so much for your nice comments!
Guest 06-Nov-2006 21:12
Thank you so much for commenting on my "Autumn Leaves" gallery.
Greetings from Poland
Gervan05-Nov-2006 20:18
Thanks for your comments to some of my images.
Every time I visit your galleries I enjoy your taste and style.
You have an open eye for all the beauty around you. I will
be back for sure to see more!
csmallari22-Oct-2006 20:30
Thank you so much for taking the time to view my PAD gallery and for the wonderful comments. Have a wonderful day :-)
Jola Dziubinska27-Aug-2006 17:21
Lovely flowers' photos and a great talent of yours make your galleries very special. Wonderful work.
Kasia Guess25-Aug-2006 20:38
I ejoyed your nature galleries very much, they are superb!
Guest 08-Aug-2006 18:08
Glad you liked Free range Chickens..;)
Guest 31-Jul-2006 15:49
Thank you so much, Akleja!
Andrew Vincent30-Jul-2006 10:52
I don't know how you find the time to produce such a beautiful garden when you are such a prolific (and accomplished) photographer. Really love your work.
Guest 29-Jul-2006 17:56
Thank you for all of your wonderful comments! I really appreciate it!
Guest 28-Jul-2006 17:17
Thank you for your comment on The Turrent!
Guest 27-Jul-2006 16:32
Thank you!
csmallari20-Jul-2006 09:30
You have so many, many wonderful galleries akleja !!!!!!! Thank you so much for visiting my galleries and for taking the time to comment on some photos. Enjoy your day :-)
Guest 18-Jul-2006 18:40
Thank you so much for commenting on my potd..I always like to check out your work!
Rosemarie Kusserow18-Jul-2006 08:29
I´m glad you like my *Panicle* because nobody liked it before, thanks for the cind comment, I liked the different greens as well, my cat is a princess with a very own mind, lol, best wishes, Rosemarie :-)
toxaphene16-Jul-2006 02:59
really like ur monthy picture series, pls let me know about sweden thoughout a year...really like those picture!
Marcia Colelli10-Jul-2006 21:43
Tahnk you very much for your commment on my flower
Guest 09-Jul-2006 07:00
Hello there! I really enjoyed looking at your galleries, they are all terrific! Have a fabulous day!
csmallari08-Jul-2006 13:29
Hi again akleja. So glad that you liked the lotus flower :-) Thanks again for the kind remarks. Have a wonderful day :-)
Guest 29-Jun-2006 22:00
so glad I found your galleries, they are all wonderful.
Guest 29-Jun-2006 12:56
I think your work is an inspiration to many of us. Do keep updating as I will always come back those updates!
Guest 26-Jun-2006 14:07
Thanks again for all your comments. If you should come to US, your are certainly invited.
csmallari25-Jun-2006 23:38
Thank you for the visits to my PAD gallery and for taking the time to leave those nice comments. It is such a treat to visit your different galleries because it is filled with so many wonderful photos. Thanks for sharing them with us akleja. Have a great day :-)
Manas Khan20-Jun-2006 20:28
Thanks for your appreciating comments on my photographs.
Manas Khan17-Jun-2006 21:04
Thanks for your comment.
csmallari17-Jun-2006 14:58
Thanks again akleja for the very kind comments. Have a great weekend :-)
Marcia Colelli16-Jun-2006 18:18
Thank you so much for your kind comment on my red lily
Guest 15-Jun-2006 14:44
It's hard to put an adjective (or even several) to accurate depict your pictures. So I will just say what others have said. Good stuff!
Guest 11-Jun-2006 17:34
Thank you so much for commenting on my POTD!
Manas Khan10-Jun-2006 17:54
Hi Akleja,
Thanks for your appreciating comment.
csmallari10-Jun-2006 13:59
Thank you so very, very much for your regular visits to my different galleries and for leaving those very nice comments too. I am envious of the flowers that you have in your country ... they all look so beautiful. Have a wonderful day :-)
Guest 08-Jun-2006 21:52
Thanks for your positive comments.
Guest 04-Jun-2006 18:02
Thank you for your comment!!
Guest 04-Jun-2006 11:15
I think your work is an inspiration to many of us. Do keep updating as I will always come back those updates!
Andrew Vincent03-Jun-2006 03:34
Thanks for commenting on my first humble efforts. I have added you to my favourites so I can learn, learn, learn.
Guest 28-May-2006 19:23
Thank you very much for the great comments. :) Hatch
Guest 28-May-2006 17:49
Thank you for your continuing support!!
Guest 27-May-2006 17:15
Thank you for your nice comment on my POTD!
Guest 21-May-2006 17:27
Thanks so much for taking the time to look and comment on my galleries!!
csmallari19-May-2006 21:38
Thank you so very, very much for dropping by my PAD gallery every now and then and for the much appreciated positive comments. Spring is coming in beautifully in your part of the world ... Hope you get to capture so many more wonderful images :-)
Michael Buckeridge19-May-2006 19:34
Thanks again for your comments...much appreciated! Mike.
Guest 18-May-2006 16:01
Thank you, akleja for your kind comment!
Marcia Colelli17-May-2006 19:54
Thank you oncea gain for your very kind comment on my butterflies
Guest 17-May-2006 14:15
I hope that we can work also together in the field... thank you for visiting also my site.

Michael Buckeridge16-May-2006 17:41
....and I thought you only visited my galleries!!!Thanks for your comments and votes..regards, Mike.
Dougie Young13-May-2006 15:44
My Pleasure Akleja. I'll be back to see more..:> Dougie
Marcia Colelli11-May-2006 02:32
Thak you so very much for your comments on my flowers today.
csmallari08-May-2006 01:21
Thank you so much for the nice comments and the visits to some of my galleries. Have a nice day :-)
Robert Charity06-May-2006 16:49
Thanks for your many kind comments on my galleries, It must me my turn to look through all your work.
Guest 05-May-2006 16:38
Thank you for your kind comment on Bit of a Swirl!
Guest 05-May-2006 02:06
Thanks for all your visits to my images! I really appreciate all your kind comments :) I have enjoyed your garden images very much; keep up the good work!!
Guest 04-May-2006 18:26
thank you very much for checking out my galleries and commenting on my picture!!!
Guest 04-May-2006 16:43
Thank you for your comments and made my day!
Alida Thorpe03-May-2006 22:47
I enjoy visiting your galleries. Thank you for your visits and comments to my site. I am happy to share this wonderful experience with someone who also enjoys photography.
Pablo Yáñez30-Apr-2006 15:41
Got all of your very nice comments. Thanks you so much.

If you ever visit again, please also feel free to be critical of the ones you don't like so much -- I'm looking to improve and I could always use some outside criticism.

As far as the last one you left a comment about:

It's really funny, half of the messages or comments I've gotten about this image have been regarding it's "religious content" either for it/ or against it. The thing is that I never shot it with that in mind - it was really ment to convey a sense of a childs wonder at nature. If people see religion in this, it just goes to show that one sees what one want in images. I shouldn't be surprised that's exactly how the entire world functions.

Thanks again,
anthony legg30-Apr-2006 06:35
Thanks for your comments in my gallery.
I appreciate them very much.
I have been enjoying looking through your have some very nice work.
Linda Willets27-Apr-2006 05:04
Thanks for your comments on my pad photo.

nicolebouglouan26-Apr-2006 19:30
Beautiful galleries, indeed! Thank you for your kind comment on mine.
cfrederick 25-Apr-2006 05:58
Great Cats and Flowers! Lifes best parts! Thanks for the wisteria comments!
Marcia Colelli24-Apr-2006 22:49
thank you so very much for your comment on my tulips today.
Guest 24-Apr-2006 02:01
Thank you for taking the time to browse my PAD gallery. Your comments on today's flower close-up are very much appreciated.
Guest 19-Apr-2006 16:03
Thank you for your comment and vote on Framed Door!
csmallari17-Apr-2006 23:26
Thanks again for the nice comments and the visit to my PAD gallery. The bird is a Scaly Breasted Munia.
Torben Jorgensen17-Apr-2006 10:23
Thank you for your comment. I appreciate it. You have some very wonderful galleries here.
csmallari15-Apr-2006 01:03
Hello akleja. What wonderful spring photos you've got !!! As always, the butterflies and insects gallery is my favorite. All beautifully captured... Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much for dropping by my PAD gallery and for sharing your thoughts regarding the photos. I do appreciate them always :-)
Oleg Birioukov14-Apr-2006 21:05
Thank you for your kind, yet professional remark and a chance to see your galleries. Your collection is a proof that it's not necessary to travel great distanses to capture great images, because a true artist can discover a universe in his/her own back yard... Loved your "Cats (and Dogs)" gallery - very sweet! : )

Oleg B.
Dawid Wnuk Photography14-Apr-2006 08:35
Just went through your galleries once more, and once more I really liked what I've seen. Thanks for sharing your passion with us! Great work.
And thank you for your comments about my photographs. I really appreciate them very much!
Dawid W.
Guest 13-Apr-2006 14:16
you have beautiful galleries....and obviously a beautiful garden... thank you very much for your kind comments, I've only been doing this for a short while so hoping the photos improve.
csmallari11-Apr-2006 23:11
Thanks again for the visit to my PAD gallery and the nice comments. So glad that you liked the sunset photo that I posted. Have a wonderful day :-)
Guest 10-Apr-2006 14:04
Sorry for the mix-up, here is the link Glad you liked my wife's flowers.
Hans Novak10-Apr-2006 09:08
Thanks for your comments. Hans
Marc Bernard09-Apr-2006 15:13
Thank your for your comments about my most images. I discover we have some common point of interest. I have seen your galleries with a great pleasure, especially winter wonderland !!!
Thanks a lot !
Guest 09-Apr-2006 02:07
Many thanks for the nice comment on my chickadee...
dark_room08-Apr-2006 15:55
Thank you for dropping by...
csmallari05-Apr-2006 22:36
Hi akleja. I always enjoy your kitchen window birds gallery. My favorite gallery is the butterflies and insect gallery ... looking forward to more. Thank you so much for the frequent visits to my galleries - really appreciate it a lot and for the vote on my latest photo upload in my PAD gallery. Have a wonderful day.
Guest 25-Mar-2006 19:28
Hello Akleja,
Thaks for you nice comments also about my photos :)
I think your galleries are great also, very nice work to share !
Thanks and regards.
csmallari19-Mar-2006 14:03
Thank you again for the nice comments and the visit to my PAD gallery :-)
Arno Meintjes Wildlife15-Mar-2006 11:30
I have put a small gallery together about life in and around the Kruger National Park.
I hope this will give you an idea where we are off to every now and then.
You are welcome to visit it here :
Barbara Corvino05-Mar-2006 21:01
Thanks for your nice comment on my image... you are really the first person who write something about my photos.
I have seen all yours galeries, I like the flowers and the birds.
Sean Blumenhein04-Mar-2006 19:48
I appreciate you stopping by my galleris and for the kind comment. You have many beautiful shots on your site as well and I look forward to visiting often.

Peter Stahl04-Mar-2006 16:45
Thank you for the kind comments on my bird gallery from Africa, much appreciated. You have a nice collection of birds right out of your window,lucky you. Have a nice day:)
Guest 03-Mar-2006 17:03
Thank you also. I do like your composition and shooting angles; very striking! :)
Marcia Colelli03-Mar-2006 15:30
Thank you so much for your nice comment on my flower. I have looked at yours also and you have very nice galleries also.
Chris Thorpe28-Feb-2006 13:58
Loved your birds in the window shots! I'll be back.
Your nice comments are appreciated, thanks!
Guest 28-Feb-2006 01:34
Thanks Akleja for your nice comment on my flower image...
csmallari28-Feb-2006 00:02
Hi again :-) Thank you so very, very much for the frequent visits and as usual, for the nice comments that you always leave behind. I really appreciate it a lot. Thanks again :-)
csmallari26-Feb-2006 14:14
Thank you so much for the visit to my gallery and the wonderful comments. I just love the flowers in your galleries. Have a great day !!!
Big Mike25-Feb-2006 20:16
Thank you so much for your comment... and yes, horses are wonderful, but they make me sneeze... hay fever! I'll be often to check out your galleries... I really like your birds and macros! Thanks again. 8^)
Guest 25-Feb-2006 15:49
Thanks for your intrest in my image and your nice comment...
Guest 23-Feb-2006 13:15
Thanks for viewing my gallery that I recently set up. I use to shoot lotus on summer time but not much turned out to be good. The orchid is one from spring orchid show that use to take place here in Macau after chinese new year and recently I've been on camelia (japonica?)and hope to be blooming for some more weeks in a garden (Loucau garden) here in the city.With some luck I hope to find beautiful flower and then shoot a pix of it. Still learning to use my camera.
Guest 20-Feb-2006 18:13
Thanks for your comments and visits. I do agree with your comment about the color of a flower being somewhat distracting from textures, etc. Sometimes you just want to appreciate their elegant form. Your galleries are exquisite and I am looking forward to many more pictures from you!
Steve Noyes20-Feb-2006 17:44
Thanks for visiting my nature gallery and your comments. Enjoyed looking at your galleries......Steve
dark_room19-Feb-2006 20:38
Thanx again for re-comment.-:)
dark_room19-Feb-2006 17:57
I'm very sorry. I've changed the photo and by mistake a comment was deleted.
Guest 19-Feb-2006 10:29
I see, we have the same cat :^)
Guest 16-Feb-2006 19:57
Hej Akleja,

Thanks for your kind comments. I enjoyed your galleries keep up the good work.

Regards John
dark_room13-Feb-2006 15:36
Nice photos nice garden…
Good work!
thankx for your message.
Guest 12-Feb-2006 16:23
Thanks for your info on my image I appreciate it very much, now I can put a name to it...
Steen Hougs11-Feb-2006 17:16
Det var interessante kommentarer du havde til vores fotografier. Inge har eksperimenteret med tåge og dis i den senere tid - medens vi venter på foråret.
Lad os kvittere for dine komplimenter ved at sige, at du har formidlet et helt lille paradis med dine blomsterfotografier, som du generelt har fået fint belyst, og som vidner om et godt engagement mht. fotografering. Du skriver at du kun har fotograferet i et års tid, men vi er sikre på at du allerede nu er klar over at du er trådt ind i en ny og spændende verden! Inge har kun fotograferet i knap 2 år, så du kan se at det ikke nødvendigvis er altafgørende at have 30 års erfaring for at lave interessante fotografier. Bare fortsæt!
De bedste hilsener fra Inge og Steen.
alexeig10-Feb-2006 20:26
Thanks for visiting and for appreciation. You have your beautiful world around you and I enjoyed it very much
Guest 08-Feb-2006 22:30
Thanks for leaving messages on my photos!
Wish you enjoy photoing always!!
Guest 08-Feb-2006 22:27
Thanks for leaving messages on my photos!
Wish you enjoy photoing always!!
Guest 05-Feb-2006 12:06
Hej Akleja
tak for din varme kommentar til mine bilder.
Nu har jeg också set dina.... mycket trevliga gallerier.... särskilt dina blommor och fjärilar.
Keep up the good work
Michael Buckeridge04-Feb-2006 20:19
Akleja...thanks for posting some more kind comments on one of my flower galleries. I still love your winter pictures but have now discovered your bird ones! Your guestbook shows that you not only have some good galleries but it reflects your genorosity of spirit in the way you post and praise other peoples work. Thank you, Mike.
Guest 03-Feb-2006 04:29
Hi Akleja,

Thanks for visiting and welcome to pbase.

Jarek M30-Jan-2006 11:05

Thanks for visiting and your kind comments.

Omer Yagiz27-Jan-2006 19:52
Hi Akleja,
Thank you for your kind comment for my flower image. I just visited your galleries and loved the images of cats, flowers, and insects. Will visit again. Welcome to Pbase.

Ömer Yagiz
caveman_lee27-Jan-2006 16:59
Thanks for visiting my galleries and your kind comment.
Guest 26-Jan-2006 00:55
Thank you very much for your kind comments on my flower gallery. I appreciate it and I am glad that you enjoyed viewing them. Looks like you have a great garden and lots of subjects. Thanks again. Ralph
bclee12325-Jan-2006 00:28
Thanks for all your very nice comments. I look forward to seeing more of you work.
Very nice.
Brian Cook
Guest 23-Jan-2006 22:07
Hi Akleja, thanks for your comments about my “Cat’s” gallery. They aren’t my cats. They just come to visit me, have some milk and play around for some time. ”Lilly” is the baby and little princess.
I like your galleries a lot. Beautiful colours, excellent work.
Well done
Chuck Hall23-Jan-2006 22:04
Hi Akleja,
Thanks for your visit and quickvery kind comments. I will review and comment to your galleries later. After a brief survey, I see they deserve a closer look.
Sondra Newman23-Jan-2006 18:41
Akleja.....thank you for your very kind comments. Your galleries are great. Love the colors! You have a beautiful garden!
Guest 18-Jan-2006 00:40
And sir you are too modest
your garden pictures are striking
TS. Bok16-Jan-2006 12:36
Hello akleja, thank you so much for visiting my gallery. Appreciate it. :). I really enjoy your gallery esp. your garden pics.
Tom Munson15-Jan-2006 05:20
Thanks for looking at my galleries and the kind words on my photography.
You are a very good photographer and I enjoy looking at your images. Keep up the good work.
Christin Tröger14-Jan-2006 11:02
Hi Akleja
welcome to pbase, thank you for visiting and leaving
your nice comments,. I've enjoyed looking through
your gallerys, some very lovely pictures.
DaoDang13-Jan-2006 20:32

Welcome to Pbase and thank you for visiting my galleries. I see that we are both living in Nordic countries with their beautiful seasons and share similar interests for birdies, flowers and nature. I have enjoyed visiting your nices galleries.

Dao Dang.
Ann McRae 12-Jan-2006 00:04
I see you are also a garden enthusiast!
My more recent photographs are now at
Take a look over there too!

Ute Weyer ARPS11-Jan-2006 05:12
Many beautiful image, epsecially the winter ones. A joy to view!
Thanks also for your kind comments you left on my site. Ute
Guest 09-Jan-2006 21:14

Welcome to Pbase and thanks for your visit and your nice comments.We have similar interest : cats, gardeninng and birding. Also we both live in snow country!

You have a nice collection of plants in your garden. I enjoyed my visit.

Michael Buckeridge09-Jan-2006 20:29
Thank you so much for the kind comments left at my galleries. It was because of your comments that I went and photographed some flowers today...I was going to tell you this but found you have left comments at this new gallery already!!

I have enjoyed visting your galleries and especially your winter pictures. Such a wonderful feel to them. You seem to have an endless garden with so much in real need to get on a bike or into a car as you have such beauty on your doorstep...lucky you!

PBase is such a wonderful resource that when it malfunctions from time to time it can make many feel quite mad. Keep taking lots of pictures and only show the best!

Skol, Mike.
petesie09-Jan-2006 00:26
You are so kind to visit my galleries. I am amazed that you have had your camera for only one year. I am into my third year and still learning. Welcome to Pbase. It is a wonderful place to learn and everyone is so kind. You are doing a wonderful job and I do enjoy seeing your garden. Insects, butterflies and flowers are my favorite subjects...and sunrises and sunsets....and my family. Oh well, I like to photograph everything. It is so special to be able to share this wonderful hobby with someone from Sweden. Thank you again. Petesie
Jola Dziubinska08-Jan-2006 20:24
Akleja, thanks for visiting my galleries and kind comments. Welcome on pbase.
I found your photos very interesting and nicely done, hope to see more and more soon.
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik07-Jan-2006 22:08
Welcome to PBase Akleja. Thanks for your kind comment on my pictures.
Tom Munson06-Jan-2006 15:34
Beautiful flowers and some interesting insects. Well done.