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Bruce Johnson | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Terry 21-Dec-2016 04:11
Bruce, Beautiful photos!!! I will be looking for blue birds this winter. Thank you for finding my dog :)
Ashley 16-Mar-2016 17:32
Awesome pictures! Thanks for giving me your card- Ashley.
Pam 22-Jul-2015 20:37
Bruce, It was a pleasure to meet you down by the after bay. Your photography is outstanding. Hope to see you in the future. Never realized we had such beautiful birds here.
bRUCE JOHNSON 29-Jun-2015 20:53
pacs22-May-2015 18:41
great site!
cheveux gras19-May-2015 06:42
Great photo !
tresse15-May-2015 16:48
Your gallery is very impressive
Jess 18-Apr-2015 23:21
Jess 18-Apr-2015 23:21
Please check out my dog's page! 😊🐢🐾
Jess 18-Apr-2015 23:19
Nice to meet you today by the lakw. Thanks for sharing your beautiful bird pictures. Gorgeous!
Hank Hansen 16-Apr-2014 20:35
Bruce, glad to meet you today in the wildlife area. Had to look you up. Great wildlife photography. You've also captured some of the great clouds we have around here. It was a real pleasure touring your galleries.
Rick 16-Oct-2013 19:07
Hi dad,

Testing 1, 2, 3,...

12 noon, 16 October 2013
Terry J. Graham03-Aug-2013 14:05
Thank you Bruce for visiting and leaving some comments at my little corner of PBase
hermankervel20-Apr-2013 12:17
nice work
Terry J. Graham04-Feb-2013 04:30
Well done Bruce...... I invite you to my little corner of PBase
Greg Reeves 28-Dec-2012 14:18
It was good to bump into an met you yesterday! I was able to catch lots more of the bald eagle action after you left - that's a great spot! You have some fantastic images here - I spent most of the vining looking at them; really nice work! I am sure our paths will cross again!
Bill Husa 01-Nov-2012 17:24
Hi Bruce,
It was nice meeting you down by the river! Great pics here in your galleries. Happy shooting! See you around.
Guest 03-Feb-2012 16:12
every photo is amazing!
Guest 03-Feb-2012 16:11
wow you really catch the natural beauty!
Sharon Rogers 16-Jun-2011 05:58
I truly loved your pictures Bruce. The birds were unbelievable. Thank you very much for posting them. Thank you for giving me your card in the lab - I will keep it handy
David Fairbanks 19-Apr-2011 21:46
Bruce Geat shots you have done a great job.Thanks
Dave Barnes21-Nov-2010 05:49
Bruce, you have some stunning images here, thanks for sharing. Regards Dave.
Dave Lindstrom 20-Oct-2010 22:23
Hi Bruce, your photos show the beauty of this world wonderfully. Thank you.
Barbara Wilcox 04-Aug-2010 18:23
Great photos. We live in a wonderful world but sometimes forget. Thank you for reminding us.
Carl Heintze 09-Jul-2010 15:37
Just having another look Bruce. As always you are impressive and lovely Carl Heintze
Phil Burdine 06-Feb-2010 05:18
Hi Bruce,I did my best to get through all the photos this evening but the sandman finally got the best of me.
It was great meeting you and your wife this afternoon at the gallery. Your photos are a great inspiration to me and my endeavors as an amateur photographer.
Vicky 21-Dec-2009 14:50
Wow Bruce those pictures are terrific. Very nicely displayed too. Love them. Vicky
Guest 01-Dec-2009 21:11
Hi Dad,
your photos are amazing !!!! Love them all !!
Guest 01-Dec-2009 20:04
Hi dad,
Love your work, I am very proud of you!
Ingrid 01-Dec-2009 19:36
Hello, I hope there isn't too great a problem here. I stop in frequently to browse and enjoy. Hope your T-day was special and Xmas even more so Ingrid
Glenn Dawson 20-Oct-2009 00:15
Nice work!! Love your nature shots!
Cassandra 06-Feb-2009 02:51
We were very happy to meet you last month while enjoying dinner at "our" favorite oroville spot. (GCG) I had just picked up the outlook to read while waiting and then you are your wife sat right next to us. It was a pleasure to talk and to look at yours absolutely beautiful photos. I too love the Eagle ones. WOW. They are all awsome and will share this site with my friends and family. Please keep shooting... And if you have any of the ROTC color guard parade(s) I would love to see them since my sons face was covered in the cover shot. thank you. Cassandra McKay
Jim Alcorn 05-Feb-2009 20:44
I am very impressed with your photos! As a former fellow Concord Police Officer, you were an inspiration and positive roll model for me when I first joined the force. I am pleased to see your success in the photography field.
Steve Nielsen 26-Jan-2009 03:01
I'm absolutly blown away. You have some of the best images I've ever laid my eyes on. I'm so thankful I heard about this site. Thanks for sharring. Those Eagle pics will be handy to look at while I'm building the Stainless Eagle sculpture for Orovilles City hall.
I'll try to remember and let you know once it gets finished.
Kind regards,
Steve Nielsen
Guest 29-Oct-2008 18:17
Hi Bruce...I thought I'd check out your gallery again, and you photos are beautiful. You are a Great Photographer, and I'm proud to be your Baby Sister...I brag about you all the time.
Guest 14-Aug-2008 05:58
Hello .. very nice !
Guest 14-Aug-2008 05:57
very nice
Guest 14-Aug-2008 05:57
Hello .. very nice !
Eric Zancanella 01-Aug-2008 22:25
My wife and I live at #361, and we enjoy your photos we've seen in the Oaks Clubhouse News. We have just started to explore your picture web sight. For those of us in the smoke zone, your Sunrise in the Smoke photo really captures the times.
Eric and Judy Zancanella
Dean Gurr 20-Jul-2008 05:26
Hi Bruce! Nice to meet you this evening. You have some fabulous images here. Keep shooting. I'll be back to see more.