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Fred Parsons | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Fred Parsons
Name Fred Parsons (joined 05-Jan-2005) (pbase supporter)
Username fredparsons
Location United States
United States
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View Galleries : Fred Parsons has 66 galleries and 1002 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 2032839 times.

View Guestbook : 137 messages. Most recent on 31-Aug-2021.

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Message from Fred Parsons
To view a 2.5 minute video interview with me, click on

If you are interested, PRINTS MAY BE PURCHASED by emailing me at There is a basic size and other sizes can be produced. A print matted 16x20 is $125.00. Prices for print may be less or more, varying by size plus the cost of mailing in a tube. Also gift certificates can be purchased and the recipient can choose which image(s) he or she would like. Payment is either by check or paypal.

Background: I am a juried member of the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen, the New Hampshire Art Association, as well as a member of the New Hampshire Society of Photographic Artists. My work is in several galleries in NH & one in Sedona AZ. I have won awards in the professional competition of the Sedona Art Center, the Sedona Camera Club, and the Keep Sedona Beautiful contest. I am also a two time winner of the "Best Two Dimensional" award at the New Hampshire Craftsmen's Fair that attracts 30-40 thousand attendees each year (the first week in August).

Hope you enjoy these images. I am now posting most of my work on pbase. My own web site - - will send you directly here to pbase as I find pbase easier to use than my own web site. I have been partially involved with photography for over 40 years. However, in the last ten years I really started to work at it. (At age 77 plus I still have a lot to learn). So your comments are solicited in order that I might continue to improve. Several (8 actually) different persons at different times and places in the last ten years, have told me that my images resemble the work of popular painter, Maxwell Parrish. I have looked at his work, and while flattered, I don't really see any connection... perhaps it is how we both see light? Again, I will be glad to hear from you with comments, good or bad, and/or questions.
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