06-Oct-2006 22:52
:: Buildings ::
06-Oct-2006 00:43
:: B&W's ::
06-Oct-2006 00:43
:: Landscapes ::
28-Sep-2006 23:14
:: Industrial ::
28-Sep-2006 02:46
![Small Creatures](https://a4.pbase.com/g5/09/617909/3/67646440.w5srnZmy.jpg)
:: Small Creatures ::
26-Sep-2006 12:05
![The Vegetable Kingdom](https://a4.pbase.com/g5/09/617909/3/67566016.GhUS003B.jpg)
:: The Vegetable Kingdom ::
21-Sep-2006 21:17
:: Stills ::
15-Sep-2006 16:37
:: Candids ::
02-Sep-2006 19:38
:: Family ::
02-Sep-2006 19:04
![Visit in the Medieval Centre - Sundby, Denmark](https://a4.pbase.com/g2/09/617909/3/66169335.QY1PDp4k.jpg)
:: Visit in the Medieval Centre - Sundby, Denmark ::
15-Aug-2006 11:59
![Visit in Sweden - Juli 2006](https://a4.pbase.com/g4/09/617909/3/65203342.wM4tQyTs.jpg)
:: Visit in Sweden - Juli 2006 ::
14-Dec-2005 21:54
![Visit in Madrid - November 2005](https://a4.pbase.com/g3/09/617909/3/53557508.DSC_2618web.jpg)
:: Visit in Madrid - November 2005 ::