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Life happens while making plans.. A record of my days

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Best of Travel from US to UK, Australia, and other spectacular locations
:: Best of Travel from US to UK, Australia, and other spectacular locations  ::
My Favorites
:: My Favorites ::
Year 11 of Trying to Take a Picture a Day - Road Trip and More to Come
:: Year 11 of Trying to Take a Picture a Day - Road Trip and More to Come  ::
Picture a Day
:: Picture a Day ::
Picture of the  Week
:: Picture of the Week ::
Java, Moki, and Cino!
:: Java, Moki, and Cino!  ::
Scenes from Rhode Island
:: Scenes from Rhode Island ::
Sunrise from the End of the Street
:: Sunrise from the End of the Street ::
Pictures with most hits
:: Pictures with most hits ::
Portraits of Family and Friends
:: Portraits of Family and Friends ::
:: Travel ::
Birds and other creatures
:: Birds and other creatures ::
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