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The Rose Tatoo | Softtail 96 cubic inches | All about myself | Two days in Kyoto | Galicia (Spain) | Album | Casa Batlló - Gaudi | Postcards from Menorca | Dance and dancers | einsof | Autumn in La Rioja | Nature | Paris - Helsingor | Barcelona | Sitges | Walking along the beach | Mare Nostrum |

Miguel Vila's Recent Photos & Galleries

La fotografia es salvar ese instante de la muerte y poder compartirlo con los demás, para que cada cual tenga una visión y sienta lo que yo y esas personas hemos vivido" / Cristina Garcia Rodero
"Photography is saving that moment of death and being able to share with others so that everyone has a vision and feels what I and those people have lived" / Cristina Garcia Rodero.
En art comme en amour, l'instinct suffit. In art as in love, instinct is enough. / Anatole France

Flag Counter
Formentera paradise
:: Formentera paradise ::
Park Güell, Casa Batlló - Gaudi
:: Park Güell, Casa Batlló - Gaudi ::
Walking Sevilla
:: Walking Sevilla ::
Walking along the beach
:: Walking along the beach ::
Dance and dancers...
:: Dance and dancers... ::
:: Barcelona ::
The Rose Tatoo
:: The Rose Tatoo ::
All about myself
:: All about myself ::
:: Nature ::
:: Album ::
Two days in Kyoto
:: Two days in Kyoto ::
Galicia (Spain)
:: Galicia (Spain) ::
Travelling around Europe...
:: Travelling around Europe... ::
Autumn in La Rioja
:: Autumn in La Rioja ::
Softail 96 cubic inches
:: Softail 96 cubic inches ::
Mare Nostrum
:: Mare Nostrum ::
Postcards from Menorca
:: Postcards from Menorca ::
:: Sitges ::
RocK & PhotoS
:: RocK & PhotoS ::
I, my, me, myself...
:: I, my, me, myself... ::
:: Privado... ::