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Profile for royalld
Name royalld (joined 28-Jul-2002) (pbase supporter)
Username royalld
Personal URL
Location East Central Florida, USA
East Central Florida, USA
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View Galleries : royalld has 545 galleries and 6723 images online.
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View Guestbook : 48 messages. Most recent on 08-Aug-2012.

Message from royalld

At least three people have recently called me “an adventurer”. It may look that way from a distance but nothing is further from the truth. I spent 38 years in air traffic control; in which it is very unwise to be adventurous. Therefore, I am good at avoiding adventure; when possible.

After retirement, I bought the sailing vessel we call “Shibumi”. Jill and I take an annual sailing voyage; normally to the tropics. Even in doing so, my sail plan is to avoid adventure.

I live in Florida when not living aboard Shibumi. Most of my days include, at minimum: Tai Chi, meditation, reading, writing, music, and the capture of at least one photograph.

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