Tom Possibly I have sent this already, maybe not, so sorry if this is a repeat. The reason I have no knowledge of the Raft Man is simple. I never read newspapers, I never watch tv, I never listen to the radio. It would not surprise me if his raft caught light while he was away somewhere, accidentally of course. One comment surprises me, how could neighbours complain. He does not have any neighbours. No house in Richmond could see his Raft. There are tens of thousands of houseboats, possibly hundreds of thousands moored on the upper Thames. But no complaints if you are paying mooring fees. I would like a 2 pound coin for every one that is an eyesore. I would be a millionaire, at least. A danger to other boats, rubbish. Something spoiling the view is a matter of opinion, not fact. There are a lot of houseboats moored a few hundred yards from where his raft was moored. They are a bigger eyesore than his raft was. There is a village near Dorking called Wescott. An eccentric man living there had a garden full of rubbish and old cars. His posh neighbours were unhappy about him and took him to court to make him tidy his garden. The judge, a real human being, told them off, gave them a right bollocking. Told them instead of spending all your money taking him to court why dont you help him. Talk to him. help him clean his garden up. Yeah like those posh bastards are going to do something humane and help someone in need. I have been told the neighbours are trying to get a different judge to hear the case again. But that is hearsay, I have not read it in a newspaper, etc. Guess what gallery I will be working on now. Eyesores in gardens and on the river, did you guess right Tom